Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Today has been one interesting and long day. Everything went along on the show as usual...I checked in on my entire list of local and out of state chapters and made sure that the show was on everywhere. Around 2pm I get a call from "The Mexican" and he informs me that he is making one of his monthly trips to NY to get a haircut and a light snack before he heads back to MD. As soon as I get the call I start packing my bags and get ready to head into the city. The drive into the city was cute and fast there was hardly any traffic at all, within 30 minutes I found myself playing the rat race on Christopher Street searching for parking. Another 10 minutes and I was parking and hanging with my boy. We spent sometime walking around and shopping and by the time I got back to my car I realized I had been ticketed a FAT $115 for parking by a fire hydrant that I could not even see thanks to the snow storm of last weekend. I figured it wasn't worth getting pissed off so I might as well just let it go and not even argue....It was almost 6pm and my boy needed to be on the 6:20 train heading home so I drove like a damn Taxi driver trying to get him to the station, he made his train and I kept it moving....Next stop, a quick pharmacy run time to refill my Asthma medications (well at least that was the plan) I parked behind a car and dashed inside to pick up my meds and wouldn't u know it, they did not have my items ready!!! After 5 minutes of rolling my eyes and letting the girl at the counter have it. A minute later I was running out of the Pharmacy only to find that my pride and joy was not where I had left it. After pausing for 10 seconds I faced the brutal fact that my car had been towed....I confirmed this with a woman who had parked in front of me who in formed me that If I had come out 30 seconds earlier I would have seen the tow truck as they turned the corner No need to panic as this is a reality of the NYC driver I quickly hail a cab and haul off to the Tow Pound.....On the quick ride I call up RED and fill him in on the latest and greatest event on the show and we just laugh it off I guess we have accepted that in life shit is just going to happen and when you live in NYC Metro are it tends to happen more often than not! Long Story short $185 later......Oh and one more parking ticket to the tune of $115 and Foxy was on his way home. I decided I would reward myself with a 20 piece McNugget dinner. So the lesson learned today........ Parking in front of snow covered Hydrant: $115 Parking in a "No Parking Zone": $115 NYC Tow Fees: $185 Total Cost for Coffee and Cake with your good girlfriend: $415 Being able to pay this kind of money and then call your best friend and laugh about the entire situation..........................Priceless! There are sometimes when you have to use Master Card........Once you have done that once, next time use the PATH Train.Ciao!


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