Wednesday, April 19, 2006

WHY Wednesday???

WHY Wednesday????

Ok another week another WHY.
I heard through the grapevine that some “Sleeping Bloggers” have been awakened lets see if that is true…I’m looking for you all this week…You know who you are!

WHY the one time I post for week does the blogger site give me the blues?

WHY am I still not over my trip to New Orleans?

WHY did I have to give a lesson at work on the spirit of the volunteer?

WHY is team building going to be such a challenge for me in my new group?

WHY do I think I’m Super Foxy and can do anything in this world?

WHY am I gonna start by NOT going to work today?

WHY did I break “Lucky’s” bed last night?

WHY was that NOT one of my goals?

WHY was it all in the spirit in wishing him a Happy Birthday?

WHY did his parents ask me if I’m the ONE?

WHY do I think that is soooooooo Sexy?

WHY did I almost get a parking ticket this morning?

Oh and last but not least and this is an advanced WHY because I’m sure it will be appropriate sometime later today….

WHY O’ WHY did I go see the movie “PHAT GIRLZ”?????


Blogger Red said...

Why did it seem like a BET movie of the week?

Why am I working so hard?

Why did I miss my exit on the way to work and end up lost in some town in the mountains?

Why do I sit in a row of cubicles and no one talks to each other?

Why is the silence creepy?

Why did you remind me that I saw "Phat Girlz" too?

Why am I eating my breakfast at lunchtime?

7:51 AM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

Why you break the bed giving Lucky his gift?

Why that's cute he's talking to the parents about you?

Why is my brain fried?

Why I hungry?

9:52 AM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

Why I go to the cave man days....

"Why I hungry?" LOL

9:53 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Yeah, WHY did you break the bed???

Why have I not gotton any from my other half and it's driving me crazy?

8:33 PM  
Blogger Jerrster said...

Yeah WHY did you break the bed?

Why are my parents visiting and watching American Idol in my house?

Why does my son keep saying he is going to college and says it like a threat?

10:03 PM  
Blogger MsPerdie said...


Why do I miss my friend?

Why did I wish Lucky a Happy Birthday on his blog?

Why am I going through a phase, where I don't want to be bothered by anybody?

LOL! We missed you yesterday;)

6:38 AM  
Blogger Drea Inspired said...

why was i soooooo excited to see my dear foxy over at the diary?

why do I need to spend tomorrow night catching up on my blog reading?

why does that sound a little pathetic?

why is gas so darn high?

why am I so glad that I will soon be moving?

why didn't I go see Phat Girlz?

Love ya much, Foxy!

3:56 PM  

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