WHY Wednesday???
Yall know what this is lets get to it….For those of you new to the show follow my lead….
WHY did one more person quit in my office?
WHY do only the strong survive?
WHY was American Idol so funny last night?
WHY was “Ronetta” a HOT GHETTO MESS?
WHY did an e-mail go around the office asking if there should be a Nail Salon onsite?
WHY did the e-mail come from the Director of Human Resources?

WHY do all of my friends want to work for my company?
WHY am I uncertain as to how I REALLY feel but I voted YES to the Nail Salon?
WHY am I soooo hungry right now?
WHY do I miss my old cafeteria’s Sausage and Oatmeal?
WHY am I looking extremely handsome today?
Cuz I'm FOXY that's WHY!!!
Why must it be nice to have a nail salon as an option vs all these layoffs going round?
Why was breakfast so good this morning?
Why is today going to be an awsome day?
Why am I first to post?
Why I need my nails done, speaking of nail salon?
why did I think ronnetta looked like lil kim on twinkies?
why haven't i left the house in two days?
why even though I'm always awake by 8:30 do I refuse to get out of bed?
why is this laziness making me wish my job was starting tomorrow?
why do I so desperately need my routine back?
why i am giggling at khalli 88's comment about star jones?
why am i still jealous that star lost all that weight?
Off to drown in slimfast! Happy Wednesday, dear Foxy!
why .......
oh hell my head is empty today
lol soooooooo busy at work.....
why couldn't i have been born into money!!
HAY FOXY!!!!!!
this is cool...
Why do people bring large cups of coffee on the train?
Why don't I have a trash bin at my desk after I already informed the cleaning lady i need one?
Why Discover Card keep calling me and I told them I'm paying them later this week?
Why I just decided that I'm not going to pay them?
Why does Starbucks coffee tastes nasty and McDonalds is good and ten times stronger?
WHY I can't wait to next Wednesday to do this again? LOL!!!
Hey Foxy!!!
Why am I loving my new job?
Why does my old co-worker keep calling me for stupid stuff?
Why is this weather getting on my nerves lately?
Why have I accomplished more in the last four days than I thought I would over the next month?
Because I'm a defiant goddess. That's why! ;o)
I've wanted to do this for a while, it's thursday and here i go.
Why am i a day late?
why have i had the urge to do this?
why wasn't this done before?
if it was why am i hating on that person right now?
why do i not get more coments from you oh mighty FOXY?
Peace, til next wednesday.
Why do you make me laugh so hard?
Why don't they put in a nail salon at my work? 300 employees and only 3 are female...hmmmm
Why do I start trying to come up with something to blog about at work and get paid for doing it.
Why are you so silly??? LOL
why couldnt i have been born with brad pitt abs?
Love your WHY's. Yesterday was a distracting day for me, so I'm a day late.
Have a happy one!
Why does it seem like I'm seeing the world for the first time?
Why do we insist on wearing our darkest shades instead of looking at the true light of day?
Why did this quote touch me so truly and deeply that I stood on the street for a couple of minutes to write it down in order to posess it and share it with the world?
Why am I inspired everytime I read this? May it inspire all of you.
We are invited to be human. Which means growing through our mistakes, learning by trial and error, being redeemed over and over again, becoming ourselves scars and all. It means embracing and transforming our shadow side. It means giving up pretending to be good and instead becoming real.
- Walter Wink
Why am I so happy to find this blog?
Why is it 11:37pm and my 2 yr old is wide awake?
Why do I love saying why?
Why do I want to read more of your posts?
Why is it almost friday and I am just now doing this?
Why do I have so many skills, but think I can use them all at one time!
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