WHY Wednesday????
WHY am I at my desk 3 hours before I’m supposed to be at work?
WHY did I have a HOT sweat session with “Lucky” last night?
WHY is that probably WHY I’m here all bright and bushy tailed?
WHY am I going to see Frenchy sing her heart out tonight?
WHY did my boy just get into Law School?
WHY is he giving me education fever?
WHY are we in a silent competition to succeed?
WHY will we end up working together again soon?
WHY will I be back in school by the Fall?
WHY am I ending this post so I can start to do some work?
WHY do I promise to update more often and not just Wednesday?
WHY do I hope you all have a Happy HUMP Day?
Hey foxy... I get to go second, Spexial you beat me.. lol...
Why is it only Wednesday?
Why am I ready for Friday, even though I got to work on Saturday?
Why am I tired of working and wish I hurry up and win the lotto or mega or something?
Why was I up all night trying to do four 7 page papers for 4 different classes?
why I only 1/2 of 1 paper for 1 class?
Why am I so ready to quit?
Why am I so unhappy with where I am headed?
Why cant I just move on?
Why am I hoping my book sells a million copies?
why i got to say everyone have a why wed?
Why did I do what I did last night?
Why do I feel the need to address the issue of intolerance so deeply?
Why do I continue to believe my parents are the most amazing people in my life?
Why were you at work that early?
Why I am so flat broke and happy?
Why do I east healthy before 3pm and like madman after 3pm?
Why is this guy at work so phyne that I cannot give him eye contact or talk to him in complete sentence.
Why am I so beautiful every day?
Why am I ready for the weekend?
Why did I have so much fun last night, and it was only Tuesday?
Why do I feel so tired even though I got over 8 hours of sleep last night?
Why am I late?
Why am I burning out my job?
Why can't I be satified?
Why can't magic be real?
Why will I be studying all weekend?
Why ask Why?
Why do we ask questions?
Why do we answer questions?
Why do we love?
Why do we hurt?
Why must we want for more?
why must we fight to survive?
Why haven't I been over here in a long time?
Why am I giving up Diary of Brownsoul?
Why will I try to make time to come see Foxy even though I won't be blogging?
...Because I got mad love for ya!
Grace and Peace!
Why did I post my original comment on the previous post? LOL
So again I reiterate...Why am I so fly?
WHY is there no new WHY Wednesday post and it's Wednesday? LOL
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