Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Why Wednesday???? (Fall Four)

WHY Wednesday???? (Fall Four)

Ok Back to Business! Sorry I wasn’t with you guys yesterday but when you read my Why’s you will better understand. The time is now and the place is here….Tell me WHY!

WHY did the dry cleaners fuck up my suit the day before my interview?

WHY did they compensate by hooking me up with a Brooks Brothers replacement?

WHY did it look better than the Kenneth Cole deal I put in the cleaners?

WHY did they tell me I could keep it?

WHY did the interview go VERY well?

WHY should I have an offer by Friday?

WHY do office hours of 10:30 to 7pm turn me off?

WHY will I have to sleep on this very hard?

WHY will the cheese have to be right for me to take this gig?

WHY am I going off and they did not even call with an offer yet?

WHY would my feelings be hurt if they didn’t call at all?

Ok I’m done. I apologize again for being away but I’ll keep you guys posted on whether or not my day off was worth it!

Oh one more...WHY am I eating leftover Chinese food at my desk for breakfast?
Now go cross your fingers and post your WHY’s…Not exactly in that order!


Blogger Danielle said...

Hey Foxy B!
Whas up playa? lol here are my why's...

Why is my ex boyfriend from 13 years ago coming to see me this Friday?

Why am I nervous?

Why do I think it is because we both think "we are the one that got away" and may try and make somthing of it?

Why am I feeling like a kid on Christmas morning because of this!!

Have a good day!

4:39 AM  
Blogger HighMaintenanceHussy said...

Congrats on the interview!

Why did my own interview get postponed from Friday to next Tuesday?

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY did i just know I had to log on when I got home today?

WHY did I have to work the last three days, even though I was sick?

WHY am I glad MY wednesday is over?

WHY am I upset there was NO BEER in the fridge when I got home?

WHY do those hours still sound better than mine, which are 10p to 6a sunday through thursday?

WHY do I want you to get this job, and for her to get her too, which she's interviewing for on Friday?

WHY can't I think of any more WHYs??

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHY did I feel the need to check on Foxy this morning?

Probably because of the interview. Good luck and hope you get the cheese you're looking for....

Chinese? Is it creme of sum yun gai?

5:48 AM  
Blogger Meadow said...

Best wishes with that job, love.

Why did I have a dream last night telling me to apply for a job in downtown Los Angeles?

Your wild card is up, baby boy. Come play. ;)

5:59 AM  
Blogger Red said...

WHY am I so nervous about Saturday?

WHY have I been up till like 2 am every nite and still don't feel prepared?

WHY has my week been off the chain?

WHY am I still nervous about Saturday?

WHY is my crib a wreck and I haven't finished unpacking from my trip last week?

WHY after just getting off the phone with Foxy am I MORTIFIED about Saturday?

Why am I hoping for rain?

6:17 AM  
Blogger E said...

Why are you tripping on 10:30 to 7 PM? (You get to sleep in later...guess I'm an evening person...*LOL*)

Why is Star Jones famous again?

Why do I have to carry 2 pagers from the job?

6:21 AM  
Blogger brooklyn babe said...

Why am is word verfication so long?

Why am I glad to be ending a relationship?

Why is this appeal taking so long?

Why am I sweating right now? lol

Why is Foxy so "Brown..."

Morning Love Drops!

6:42 AM  
Blogger Drea Inspired said...


Why is the creamy milk chocolate slimfast the best tasting of them all?

Why is it still nasty?

Why do I always look a hot mess on Wednesdays?

Why am I having a great day anyway?

Have a wonderful day, Foxy!!!

6:43 AM  
Blogger Shelia said...

Why...why...why...I've asked myself a lot this week.

Why won't someone return my phone call? Don't wait until I blow up, because your calls will then be put on the "don't answer" list.

Why is it so hard to fax something? Is it a sign that I don't need to contact this business?

Why am I frustrated and tired of hearing folks b.s.?

Why would someone you've known for three years act like you just met?

Good blog by the way.

8:18 AM  
Blogger Reese The Law Girl said...

Why did my car drive from Maryland to Florida and then decide to not drive anymore?

Why does my head hurt because of this?

Why am I too cheap to take on a new car payment?

Why am I not a millionaire?

Why does being poor suck?

8:46 AM  
Blogger honkeie said...

Good luck on the job and ewwwwwww! left over chinese is not fit for a weasel let alone a human lol.
D- 13 years damn, I got one from that long ago I wouldnt mind visiting lol(well certain parts of her anyway)....ssshhh dont tell my wife I said that lol!

8:49 AM  
Blogger winterssoulstyce said...

why have i been a jaded 'yatch lately?

why is it that as soon as my class was over, the pain in my neck went away?

why do i think you got the job?

why am i excited about my vacation tomorrow?

9:06 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

ok here i go:

why the heck am i still sick

why don't i want to do any of my homework?

why am i being lazy and sitting on my butt all day?

why is it 1 million degrees outside right now?

9:57 AM  
Blogger Bougie Black Boy said...


Good luck getting the job!

WHY are you so lucky with getting a free suit?

WHY do you live in jersey city and i just moved from there?

10:48 AM  
Blogger Luke Cage said...

Lets do this Foxy!

Why are folks surprised that my Yankees made the playoffs?

Why is it so chic to hate them?

Why am I suddenly feenin' for the Fall in the VA/DC area?

Why is it that the folks in Loews' never have a clue when I ask them a question about an item?

Why do they put the wrong people in the wrong departments over there anyway?

Why is my check engine light on, but my mechanic can't find a thing wrong after looking into Betsy 3 separate times?

Why does Foxy's page always put me through changes when I try to post a comment from work??? (seems like I can only post from my home computer. Strange!)

1:40 PM  
Blogger Michael The Shadow said...

Well hey! Good luck on that job man. Hope to see you saying, "damn I got it and they're going to be paying me so much money I'm gonna be swimmin in green."

So...Why did my boss leave me with a schedual problem to turn my hair grey and make me wanna pull out my teeth?

WHY do i worry so much about emails I sent and expect them to be returned the next day?

Why haven't they been replied to?

Why am I not planning that mini-vacation I so wanna take?

and lastly,
Why do i worry I won't have the money to take said vacation?

....cept I think I know the answer to the last one.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Jerrster said...

again...why am I so late getting my funky ass over here?

why is foxybrown so foxified?

why is Danielle nervous she packs heat doesn't she?

why don't I date normal women and pass on stalkers and talkers?

why am I all crunked up on Red Bull?

why am constantly attracted to the unavailable? (that's an important one)

why do I aways learn something about myself here on Wednesdays???

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why is Red making me mad about being nervous?

Why do I have two exams on Monday?

Why will there be a 1,000 people there on Saturday?

Why did they ask me if Red is able to do more events?

Why do I want to be a DJ and a Tennis coach for the rest of my life and drop out of school?

Why will I be there on Saturday to sit by DJ Red and tell him what a great job he is doing and to keep the guy who might pay him the money from paying him more for services not detailed in the contract if Red would take him up on the offer?

Why am I excited about Saturday?

Why will I am excited about Sunday?

Why am I not excited about Monday?

7:43 PM  

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