Wednesday, June 14, 2006

WHY Wednesday???

WHY Wednesday???

Just too damn much going on....

WHY did I have a conversation with a good friend this weekend and we agreed to start blogging again?

WHY is my new job paying fiercely but challenging the life out of me?

WHY has my boyfriend already planned a committment ceremony in his head?

WHY have I actually done the same thing?

WHY am I always doing 125 things at a time?

WHY do I hope my roommate washes the dishes tonight?

WHY do I not want him to cook tonight?

WHY did they open a hair and nail salon in my office?

WHY should I make people mad and go get a pedicure?

WHY do I look so cute in my shorts today?

WHY am I allowed to wear shorts to work today?

WHY are there 55 people reading this and only 4 commenting and the other 51 sending me text messages?

WHY am I soooooo NOT afraid to take a doo doo @ work?


Blogger Jerrster said...

yes Foxy why I have been so bad about commenting on why Wednesday?
(not sleeping well...that has been my excuse for everything lately)

Why do I think it's great that separately the two of you are playing committment ceromonies in your minds.

Why didn't I start back at the Gym in January when I wanted to...I'd be hot by now.

Why do I love to exercise, eat right and not get drunk everyday?

great to see you foxy...Foxy!

7:52 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Why have I not been blogging lately?

Why am I embarking on a fierce workout regime to get ready for Pride?

Why am I lookin all good?

7:55 AM  
Blogger T-Baby said...

Why did I so need to laugh and your last comment made me do so?

Why is my head hurting and it is only 11:33am?

Why did I want to call out of work today?

Why haven't I posted on your blog in so long?

Why am I not caring that I am showing way to much cleavage at work?

8:38 AM  
Blogger Drea Inspired said...

Why am I too cheap/broke to get the wireless hooked up for my apartment?

Why is this messing up my web social life?

Why has been good for my actual social life?

Why will I likely never blog about the 39 year old man that I was seeing briefly but decided to put this info in Foxy's "why wednesday"?

Love ya much, Foxy!!

4:57 PM  

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