Wednesday, August 23, 2006

WHY Wednesday???

WHY Wednesday????

WHY do I have to wake up at 5:30am everyday?

WHY do I not have to be in the office until 10:30 every day?

WHY did I have 900+ e-mails in my inbox when coming back from vacation?

WHY do I want to go back on vacation again?

WHY am I still trying to figure out how they fit so much on a cruise ship?

WHY am I also still thinking about steak and lobster tail 8% of my day?

WHY did I gain ten pounds on this damn cruise?

WHY am I moving clothes from one suitcase to another one to head to Beantown this weekend?

WHY am I addicted to coffee, fried chicken and you tube?

WHY did I read and article on CNN last night saying you tube has become very addictive?

WHY did I immediately close the CNN window and log into you tube?

WHY is it that one year later “Lucky” still drives me crazy?

WHY do I know that he now knows this?

WHY is THIS still my favorite you tube clip?

See yall later time to go make the donuts!!!

Hope you guys are having a great summer…


Blogger Jerrster said...

VERY funny you tube...hahahaha.

Why did I do this?

Why is Summer so frikkin hot this year?

Why do I continue to run the air conditioning like I'm made of money?

Why am I first?

11:43 AM  
Blogger MsPerdie said...

Look at this one

12:49 PM  
Blogger Drea Inspired said...

why are you getting up 5 hours before you have to be at work?

Why am I glad my job is only a 17minute drive?

Why am I still late everyday?

Why do I not consider myself late because I'm there by 7:30 even though I'm supposed to be there at 7:15?

Why is no one at my job ever on time? (because we don't have to clock in that's why)

Stay cool foxy!

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cruise? Call me jealous, but only once!

9:54 PM  
Blogger MsPerdie said...


5:23 AM  
Blogger Darius T. Williams said...

I thought I was the only one in awe about the cruise ship

9:53 PM  

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