Tuesday, April 26, 2005

On your mark.....Get set.......Date!

On your mark…..Get set……DATE!

Now everyone knows where I’m going with this and no matter what category you fall into I think that you will dig this….Ok now, please remember I’m very much so single but the plan is not to be forever so my answers are not guaranteed to win all of your approvals but I’m honest.

1. Why do good Foxes like Bad Boys?

Our choices in partners usually tend to reflect something from our past be it a bad childhood experience, a rough relationship. Step back and look at it not everyone came from a perfect family and what we grow up with tends to be the way that we live. I watched my mama deal with at least two or three knuckleheads in her time and I sort of fell right into the same pattern as most of us do. I only sought out people who were no good for me because in some weird way I thought that was best for me. So I guess the question is no longer why do good Foxes like Bad Boys but rather, when will Fox realize that he deserves a Good Guy? How ‘bout that?

2. Why do we place stigmas on potential partners based on foolishness such as good jobs, education, background, credit?

Hmmmm, Cuz we are stupid and in most cases we let society dictate to us how we should live and therefore who we should date, how they should live and what their career objectives should be….(stares at audience) Now you all know that is a bunch of Bull Shit! I know quite a few six figure brothers that run some major organizations but they have had their head stuck in textbooks so long that they forgot how to relate to people in general let’s not even begin to think about a romantic partner LOL! So if your claim to fame is picking a partner based on his or her business card I think that you should think again. Now as far as that whole credit situation…….Well hey I have shot mine to hell and I bounced back so why would you think that someone you are potentially interested in could not do the same? Heck, why can’t you share with them some things you might have done to get your shit together. Did we forget that sharing is caring?

3. Why do we always let the frog that fucked us over in the past keep us from truly giving ourselves to the Prince in our present?

Of all of the questions I think this is the one that every reader that has ever been in a serious relationship can relate to. It always amazes me how we can take a bad situation that may have only lasted six months to a year and drag it on with us for the next 6 or seven years. Ok so he or she cheated on you 5 years ago what does that have to do with the new opportunity for love that now stands before you? Why are you dragging that old broken stereo system into your new fabulous home? Why are you mad because you’re the only one that wants to play that old song and the new person in your life is trying to give you a new song to sing? Change is inevitable so out with the motherfukkin 8-Tracks and in with the i-pod!!! Believe me some shit we need to hold onto like a classic black Gucci driving shoe, those things never go out of style but a cheating, lying bastard of a partner well that is something you can feel free to leave back in your old apartment aka that past!

4. Why is it that when we have something good (or what we believe to be good) we always manage to corrupt it because we are afraid that we will eventually end up happy?

On this one I think I answered the question within the question. We are afraid, afraid of being hurt, afraid of being used, afraid of having someone see us for who we truly are. In life when we learn to walk….We fall, but we get up and try again and eventually we get it right. Now by no means am I comparing walking to dating but really there is a world out there and are you going to let it pass you by simply because you are afraid to get out there and try? I’m not really religious and I hate to touch this stuff on my BLOG but God gave us life and he wants us to live it and experience as much as we can and love is one of his gifts and if you deny yourself that aren’t you really doing him a disservice?

5. Why are our old habits so damn hard to break? For years we live as single individuals and eventually find someone to settle with but because we are so set in our ways we drive this individual that wants to share our world away…..Why?

LOL, ok this is the funniest of them all. I think we have difficulty breaking old habits most of the time because we are pig headed and stubborn and we think that our way is the right way to do everything….WRONG, If we knew everything there would be nothing left for us to do but die and I don’t know about you but I’m not done here just yet I have a few lessons to learn and a million things to do before I bite the dust and hell if someone loves me enough to help me realize that there is a different way of doing things and help me accomplish some of my dreams and goals by all means…..BRING IT ON!!! But I need to warn you it won’t be easy after all I’m a stubborn guy.

6. What the hell is “The Rebound”????

Who made this dumb ass term up? Why didn’t they call it the I’m angry and hurt because the last person that I dated broke my heart so I’m going to pass the time with you because I’m too fukkin silly and selfish to realize that I need to get my shit together before I move on to the next person? I mean really what makes you think that because someone hurt you that bringing someone else into the picture is going to make you better? In most cases it makes you worse as your wounded and cannot really show the person your true self because you’re hiding behind all the battle scars of your last relationship. Do yourself and that unsuspecting person a favor and take the time to “GET RIGHT” with you then……Bring it to the runway!

Ok I’m done ranting and raving I want your feedback on this because I know that every single one of you have some and if you don’t you have some friends or family who do now feel free to share your opinions with me and please try to keep the sarcasm to a minimum on this one. I’m bringing you the real and I think I need that back in return….HOLLA!


Blogger princessdominique said...

I personally think we date bad boys because we secretly love the challenge.

9:19 PM  
Blogger Ananse's Web said...

Damn that was deep...I know that first part is true as hell. For along time I dated men who were like my biological dad...till I really sat down and thought about it. Im loving your page but of course your a fellow Virgo!!!! LOL
I had to redo this...I apologize for the assumption :-P

7:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baggage, no matter how big or small is sometimes inevitable. One just has to know where to leave it. I think at times we have gotten rid of that old Gap duffle bag and moved on to the cute Coach overnighter but somehow, that duffle keeps showing up. Makes you second guess yourself, did I NOT throw you out?? HMM!!!! It's like the dog you drove 2000 miles with and left at the corner of the road, only for him to show up panting at your door again. So, what do you do? Open the door or poison his ass. The credit thing, well..I will leave that alone. One for all, and All for one.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pra-Jects said...

Interesting diatribe, bad boyz and bad credit, a mixture for a bad situation. Credit profile and portfolio on future prospects is not a bad thing but shouldn't be the sole basis for selection. Rebound is not always a bad thing, one can gain perspective on future endeavors just be honest and let that person know where u are. We all inevitably have a NEED to be NEEDED whether spoken or implied, its that F'n NEED that often gets us into trouble or clouds our vision. Can U C clearly now that the RAIN is gone.... Of course u can... Thats called experience..... Catch it...


9:06 AM  

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