Monday, July 11, 2005

T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U....

T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U……..

To all of my friends, family and the readers who have supported me in all of my endeavors, good and bad times. I love your patience and appreciate your understanding. I finally figured out how to sum up the last 3 weeks of my life…This is dedicated to you…..

How ‘bout Gay Pride weekend in NYC I had a total of 8 people and one cat in my home, managed to help coordinate a barbecue, see “Lucky Charm” 3 times, change into about 12 different outfits. Go to one club which happened to not be the club that everyone else was going to that night…Tried to make the best of a bad situation and went to the bar and ordered “Crunk Juice” and walked away with a glass of Orange Juice instead….
Wondering if anyone knew I was allergic
Since the evening could not possibly get any better I decided to gulp down the OJ and hope for the worst but as life would have it here on the show…Not one reaction….

Accepting the fact that I am a social butterfly who loves to be in the mix no matter what the event or crowd was not easy. However, even more difficult than accepting this is knowing that there are individuals that will be envious of this and therefore, make it their mission in life to break your spirit. As a wise “Mexican” once told my brother and he told me….”Kill them with Kindness”. If that don’t work put a lil Shug Avery Pee in it!

Never Judge Anyone!!!! Ok I was just checking to see if yall were awake…….We are a judgmental society we cannot help it. Just remember that if you are going to judge someone that there are always 3 people judging you. I’m thinking that instead of judging each other if we just took the time to learn from one another life would be less abrasive. Sounds so simple yet I know it’s one of the most difficult things to do.

Keep the Faith….No matter who or what you believe in because at the end of the day it is what keeps us all going…Now if you know someone that believes in nothing…Close your eyes right now and say a prayer for that person because they may not know how….If this is confusing for you…Please refer to my earlier comments on “Judgment” and hope that someone is praying for you at this very moment.

Youth like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In my introduction to this blog I stated that I am 27 going on 40 and on other days I’m 27 going on 10. We all have our moments in which we want to run and escape the realities of our day to day and revisit a place when it was so acceptable to break out our toys and be carefree all day long. When you have completely found balance with this is when you KNOW that there is a time and a place for everything.

Overjoyed is what I find that I am here lately. As crazy as my life can be I find that the sun is shining down on me more frequently. Not sure if I have managed to see the glass as half full or If I have just buckled down and said “Look…The damn glass has 4 ounces of water in it either your going to drink or not”! See Overjoyed that’s me!

Understand that I am a work in progress and I get better with every phone conversation, e-mail exchange, cocktail or dinner date. I learn something from my surroundings that confirms something about me. When I look at friends and family I see pieces of me and I like what I see….In closing I say THANK YOU….

Love Always…..Foxy.


Blogger MsPerdie said...

AWWWWWW!!! We love you too, but DAMNIT!!! THat's not enough detail... LMAO! I'm not mad though, being that I already know...

*Smooches!* Ciao Bella

6:49 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Yo man, I hear ya on the "not judging anyone" statement. Too bad there's too many people, especially online, that judge other folks.

Thanks for the hit on my blog man. Keep 'em coming!

8:30 AM  
Blogger Red said...

We are the sum of our experiences and the desire to learn from them.

Keep it up

I love you more!!

10:29 AM  

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