Thursday, May 19, 2005

"Spring Cleaning"

Interestingly enough this is something that I found when I was cleaning up The Jersey Estate last weekend…It dates back to 2001 not to long after 9/11….I was going through a lil sumthin back then but anyway here goes….

“Spring Cleaning”

My space is so occupied filled with so many nooks & crannies I have collected over the years. Most are ornaments of my happy days and some can bring me to tears….

All in all combined they represent me the man I am today tomorrow and who I used to be…

No matter how I restructure this organized confusion the end result is always guaranteed, I can reset my space but my emotions will always be there in my time of need.

My closet is so irrational yet it is in perfect condition for it contains all of the essential tools I need to complete any mission.

I don’t look any further for answers because they are all within. Everyday I live is a victory claimed and a battle waiting to begin.

My space is so busy I find that I cannot find room to sit, when I stop and look around once more I realize I’m moving somebody else’s shit.

The space that was once mine is now as crowded as a Brooklyn bound “A” train during rush hour, my simple piles of emotions and thoughts have become a leaning tower.

I have taken on the struggles of the brothers and sisters around me, through sedated eyes look at what I see……

Mis-education, separation, depression, recession but if I look in the other direction I face Progression without digression, advancement without adversity.

Now all of this in my atmosphere can make it hard to breathe; yet I have no trouble at all grasping the message the creator wants me to receive.

It is so crowded in here but some how I manage to always make room for more…..When what I really need to do is pick up all this shit and put it on the other side of the door.

Now I can start out fresh with a whole new respect for organization I started at the end and worked my way back to my foundation…

It is there that I find what I always knew, no matter how chaotic your closet is to yourself you must remain true.

Keep a shoebox full of happiness, a shelf for all the pain, hangers to hold onto the Faith and an umbrella because every now and again it will rain.

The next time you sit in your closet and you feel trapped within; relax and realize that you must let your growth begin…

So go ahead dissect, restructure and just tear your closet apart, for when you clean up your living space…..You also set free your heart.

Happy Spring Cleaning!


Blogger gbfhbn said...

wow, that was deep. Makes ya think.. Its bout time I cleaned out mines cause I can see from this chair there is a whole lot that needs to be put on the other side of the door or the garbage. whichever is closest.


5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, food for thought. Ok Maya Angelou/ Zora Neale Hoodrat! Very poignant stuff. Clean around the Prada shoes!

10:09 PM  

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