Sunday, March 13, 2005

From Sunday Mass to Sunday Mess....

This morning I did not get into the house until 6am, at that point I had two choices. I could either put my ass in the bed and bring this episode to a close or I could jump in the shower and get dressed for church....I took the Holy route and showered and dressed for service, though the idea of going to "Bedside Baptist" was very tempting, I made the right choice, there is something about hearing that choir (all eight of them) sing their little hearts out and when my pastor gets up there and starts preaching a chill goes through me I swear that man is speaking through me. The message this morning was just what I needed to start my week out.

I'm home by 10am because I go to sunrise service as I'm not about the Grammy Awards Show that 11am service can be at times. I'm laid out across my bed talking to Red about the last 12 hours and going over the madness that can be the NYC sissy circuit. We hang up and as soon as I begin to drift into a fog the warm line rings again and this time it's 604 who informs me that one of his little girlfriends is on the Path Train and he needs to pick her up and complete some grocery shopping...(incomes attitude) So he wants to borrow my car to pick up "whorefriend" (*viewers this is just a blog name, I have met this young lady and she is sweet as pie but for all blogging purposes this will be her name*) then he offers to buy groceries for me and as that is very nice and cool of him however, 6 needs to work on his timing. Why would you wait until someone is on the way to try to find a means of picking them up??? (Insert GAS here ---- ____) Moving along I check in on my boys to find out how they are doing and I find out they are knocked out sleep.

Two hours later I get an invite to a late brunch so I figure I will round the boyz up and we will make a guest appearance at this function. 604 calls me to let me know that he's on the way with my ride which is perfect timing as I'm jumping in the shower and by the time I'm all done my groceries will be here and so will my ride.....30 minutes later I'm dried and dressed and still waiting....I call to find out where my ride and my rice is.....Wouldn't you know this clown is at a train station waiting on another of his little "buddies" at this point patience is out the door and attitude has just been invited in and 6 realizes this so he forgets about friend and brings my car to me. I drop his behind home and go upstairs to collect what would be at this point my two angry and hungry girlfriends. When I get upstairs I'm greeted by the smells of some home cooking, Barbecued Chicken, Corn, Cabbage, Potato Salad (stomach grumbling) and I notice all of 604's friends are in the kitchen so I wonder where my gal pals are......Well wonder no more as I walk into the living room and see the crew packed and sitting in their coats waiting for the exit music to start playing I ask no questions I just eyeball each of them and say lets go...I realize this exit must be very very weird for all parties present but I think it's totally understandable.

Once in the car my boyz go off it is now about 5:30pm and they have not had a bite to eat all day meanwhile 604 has been running around getting food and picking up guest for this "breeder birthday party" at his place my boyz felt as though there was just no room for them so they made an exit. Next stop Burger King those savages ripped through some whoppers in a matter of minutes...Next Stop KFC....I think the viewers get where this is going. So we never made it to the late brunch as these boys were full and stretched out on my Futon within an hour, nothing left to do but go to plan B everyone take a quick nap while foxy does a wardrobe change and then we hit the city for a quick game of "Bar-Hop" before heading to Escuelita to dance the night away.

During "Bar-Hop" I see a few familiar faces nobody blogworthy, A.Gay and I were the flavor of the evening, being stopped by quite a few dudes. I am so over meeting and greeting potential dates I usually check out after the first two minutes and go into a session of "Smile and Nod" in which I just smile and nod until you go away If I get your information and get rid of you in two minutes or less I win! LOL Just kidding guys I'm not that bad (but if I am not using you...U will know)

So now we are at the club where we meet up with some friends that A.Gay will be staying with for the next few days, we dance and I end up meeting a really cute youngin who is on spring break, he is not really blog material but it is what happened. Skipping ahead it's now like 2am, A.Gay has departed for the evening and I'm now walking My Starr to the port authority bus station I tell you I had a blast this weekend but I really don't think the show is going to make it to the office on Monday morning.....What do you guys think???

Welcome to the new week!


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