Saturday, December 31, 2005

Farewell 2005....

Here it is…Exactly 3 hours and 53 minutes before we welcome 2006.
Pretty soon I will make a year hear in Blogville and I just wanted to take some time to look back on the year in Blogview.

January- Anthony Hamilton….I was a mess times were hard on the boulevard and I was definitely going through some things way back when…..Of course the show remained the show and fun was had and hosted but it was all about a different space.

February- A character was introduced to the show that would teach me some valuable lessons all of which would help to build a friendship that reflects all that life has to offer.
You know who you are….

March- Boston Public gets near and dear to the host of your show and acquires a regular role on the show.

April- I’m still flying high and riding the waves with Mr. Public, I’m learning first hand that long distance relationships are never easy….I also begin to get pretty popular in Blogville….The Show has finally arrived.

May- A month filled with many rude awakenings….I realized that 53 Days is a lot longer than you might think it is…I also realized that I’m growing up and slowly but surely approaching the next level.

June- I end things with Boston Public and stumble across a Lucky Charm. I find myself very busy during this month between being towed ticketed and turned June was definitely a HOT 30 Days….

July- I get even luckier and closer to a certain young man who though he denied it wanted to get a lot closer to Mr. Foxy. I also brought the show on the road to Montreal with a whole cast of characters featuring none other than the Fabulous Mr. A. Gay

August- Ok so it became official “Lucky Charm” and are every single bit of an item (like yall aint see it comin) I also had to say goodbye to my little brother as he made his way across the pond to the UK

September- I decided to take a little break and celebrate my 28th Birthday and brought you guys a new and improved Foxybrown Show complete with a very very popular WHY Wednesday Segment.

October- I decided that the new boyfriend would not be the only change in my life…I began the quest for a new job and within a one month period I was offered a very exciting opportunity that also came with a sweet 17% increase.

November- So I began my new opportunity and quickly realized that anything worth obtaining in life is worth working for therefore I’m going to bust my ass to earn that 17%

December- Another busy month filled with shopping, attending parties and seasons greetings….Lucky and I have hit the six month mark and a few other marks. We celebrated our first Christmas together and will in a few minutes begin 2006 hand in hand.

With less than 3 hours to go…I’m not sure what I’m thinking or how I’m feeling….All I know is that I will be taking all of this years lessons and experiences with me into 2006 hopefully I will be blessed to learn a little more than last year and fortunate enough to touch a few more people with everything that makes me Foxy.

When I started this blog it was all about me and I thank and love you guys for being a part of this show…. Thank you for making it everything that it is and has become.

I wish you all a healthy, happy and FOXPEROUS New Year….

Farewell 2005 you have been good….Now it’s time to be BETTA!!!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

WHY Wednesday???? On Thursday???

WHY Wednesday???

This is it guys for 2005 the final WHY? Are you guys ready? This is a long one?

WHY is 2005 over so fast?

WHY has it been so many things (good, bad & indifferent) for me?

because of the holiday am I actually posting this on a THURSDAY?

did “Lucky” and I have our first movie date?

WHY no matter how much smack I talk is every time like the first time with him?

WHY did we split our time between both our families for the holiday?

WHY was that alright with me?

WHY am I so excited about New Years but I can’t tell yall WHY till after?

are the Starr and A. Queer probably on the Underground right now headed to 604’s flat in the UK right now?

do I think I was threatened by him to get my black ass there and fast?

is my Blog a testimony of a Foxy year of change?

do people forget to stick to the WHY format?

did “Ladynay” call those people out?

WHY was it so beautiful last night that you could walk down the street hand in hand with your lover?

WHY did I do it?

do I want to thank each and every one of you for making The Foxybrown Show what it is?

WHY it is the show that I host that tells who I am?

WHY is training still driving me crazy ?

WHY can my kitten be so cute when he wants to be?

WHY is this NOT the last entry of the year?

WHY am I going to get back in the bed now?

Buh Bye! Happy New Years!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

WHY Wednesday????

WHY Wednesday???

This one is dedicated to all the folks in my area that are dealing with this foolishness right now…I love you guys, stay warm and let me know if you guys need me?

WHY did nobody believe that this would happen and now that it has everyone is gagging?

WHY has my phone been ringing non-stop since 4am Tuesday?

WHY have people forgotten that I live in New Jersey…5 minutes away from NY but still in New Jersey?

WHY is my baby such a dedicated teacher he has been hustling rides to and from work just so that he can be there for his kids?

WHY am I smiling about that right now?

WHY is my mama taking care of business as usual and not letting this strike bother her at all?

WHY is Mother Fox such a fierce gurl?

WHY do I hope they get this thing resolved today?

WHY is “The Mexican” making me laugh so much today?

WHY am I so thirsty right now?

WHY am I wishing you guys a Happy and Foxy Holiday?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

WHY Wednesday???

WHY Wednesday???

Ok I have been away from you guys for sometime now but I’m going to give you quick update on the madness that has gone down and the madness that is still in the works….

WHY was my GOOD Girlfriends Cell Phone Stolen last night?

WHY do I understand that feeling oh so well?

WHY did they break into my car and steal my stereo last year?

WHY did my brother replace it by New Years?

WHY is "604" coming home from London this weekend?

can I not wait to tell him what he has been missing on the show?

WHY is Tiny Smalls planning on being here from DC this weekend as well?

WHY is New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority planning a strike?

WHY am I worried that it will REALLY happen?

WHY do I have gossip on folks that don’t even live in this country?

WHY would someone think I would not know what’s going down on the east coast?

WHY does the last WHY really give me GAS?

WHY did I almost make a really really big mistake this week?

WHY did something intervene and I was saved?

WHY is there only one person who could read this and know what I’m talking about?

WHY do I want to make an appointment with my old shrink?

WHY do I love her so?

WHY do people think a blog and a boyfriend is the answer to that?

WHY are they so wrong?

WHY do I think I have my “Lucky Charm” hooked on Noah’s Arc?

WHY does the TV News say it’s 6:30am and 15 degrees outside?

WHY is this post now officially over?

Stay warm boys and girls it’s time to get this show on the road….